NIT-NEW INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES LTD: Corporate and Social Responsibility
At NIT-NEW INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES Ltd. the Manager and Owner has overall responsibility for Corporate Social Responsibility ("CSR"). The organization attempts to combine a sense of common purpose, incorporating core practices and values, while encouraging and enabling individual employees, business units and offices to implement initiatives specific to their local circumstances and priorities. NIT-NEW INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES Ltd. strives to operate in accordance with the United Nations Global Compact's ("UNGC") Ten Principles - guiding principles for corporate sustainability that encompass human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption.
Business ethics and integrity
NIT-NEW INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES LTD promotes a culture of honesty, integrity, trust and respect and all staff members are expected to operate in an ethical manner in all their dealings, whether internal or external. We do not tolerate behaviour that contradicts this or that may result in damage to the reputation of the business. To achieve this, we have put in place a number of policies and corporate training that cover anti-bribery and corruption, ethics and combating modern slavery.
People and engagement
NIT-NEW INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES LTD depends on the qualities and skills of its employees, and people engagement plays an important role in business success.
We communicate regularly with our employees, keeping them informed of business activities, changes in practices and procedures, and business results.
Training and development
NIT-NEW INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES LTD invests in the training and development of its staff through internally organised knowledge sharing events, external courses and an internal staff portal. NIT-NEW INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES Ltd has a dedicated team that develops individual staff training programmes using in-house expertise and training solutions. Training programmes during the year included a comprehensive General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR") training programme which included infographics, online resources and e-learning. This programme achieved a 100% participation rate.
Employee performance is aligned to the Company's objectives through the annual performance review process and through NIT-NEW INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES LTD's incentive programmes. All employees of NIT-NEW INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES LTD are eligible for commission or bonuses for performance related to the achievement of the Company's strategic objectives. NIT-NEW INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES LTD. also presents a number of awards to recognize, among other things, outstanding achievements in product and service innovation and cross-selling initiatives.
Diversity and inclusion
NIT-NEW INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES LTD's employment policies are nondiscriminatory with respect to age, gender, nationality, ethnic or racial origin, sexual orientation or marital status. NIT-NEW INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES LTD. gives due consideration to all applications and provides training and career development opportunities whenever possible. Discrimination in any form, positive or negative, is not supported and all appointments are based solely on merit.
NIT-NEW INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES LTD's environmental policy is to ensure that we understand and effectively manage the actual and potential impact of our activities on the environment. The Company's activities are conducted so as to maintain compliance with legal requirements relating to the environment in the areas in which the Company operates. During the period covered by this report, NIT-NEW INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES Ltd has not been fined or sanctioned, nor has it been investigated for breaches of environmental regulations.
Health and safety and accidents
NIT-NEW INTERNET TECHNOLOGIES LTD strives to ensure that the working environment is safe and conducive to healthy, safe and happy employees who can combine work and family commitments. The Company has an Occupational Health and Safety Policy which is reviewed regularly by the Board, has a functioning Occupational Health and Safety Group , which is responsible for the implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Policy and for monitoring our environmental and occupational health and safety efforts.