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Process to create an email

Useful tips for all stages of creating an email

When writing an email, it will be much easier if you follow a pre-prepared action plan.

It includes three stages: preparation , writing and verification .

Stage 1: Preparation

The first phase of the email creation process is preparation . Now is the time to analyze your audience and determine the purpose for which you are writing. In addition, you need to guess how the audience will react to what you write and adapt your email so that it has a positive effect, ie. what words and tone to use.

Stage 2: Writing

The second step in creating your email involves three main steps:

• research on the topic of email;
• drafting the message;
• composing the message.


During the research phase, you need to carefully analyze the topic for which you want to write an email. Only then proceed to form a solution to the specific problem.

Forming the message

Once you've gathered enough information, you need to pay attention to how your email will be formatted. What should you start with - with your specific proposal or go further, describing the problem, attaching evidence and only finally presenting the solution?

Composing an email

Once you've determined the purpose of your email and analyzed your audience's response, you need to tailor your message to it. An important part of the adaptation process is the tone. Transmitted mainly by the words used, it affects the emotions of the audience.

People with good communication skills apply different techniques and give their message a positive tone. For this purpose, you can point out the advantages of your solution and address the audience directly, using pronouns from 2l.ed.ch. or 2l.mn.ch. Regardless of your goal - whether it is to inform, persuade or promote an idea, the most appropriate words you can use are "you", "yours", "you", "yours".

Stage 3: Verification

The third phase of the email creation process involves checking, correcting and evaluating the text . We advise you, after writing your first draft, to take the time to check - whether your email is written clearly, concisely, easy to read and whether the tone you use is appropriate. Then you need to check for grammatical, typographical or punctuation errors. E-mail evaluation includes an analysis of whether your message is meeting its original goal.

To learn all the basic rules for creating an email, you can sign up for our online training "How to write an email? “.

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