But if not properly managed, the process of their implementation and usage can be a failure. Therefore, it is advisable to define the goals you want to achieve and to undergo their implementation of precise planning at the very beginning.
The reliability of the elearning implementation process largely depends on the team that will be responsible for it. Our team has over 10 years of experience in the sphere of online learning and we offer professional services for learning management systems implementation:
installation and configuration of LMS;
consultation on choosing the right system;
domain and hosting selection;
installation and configuration of the selected software;
creation of users and assigning access rights;
creation of learning materials (courses) in different formats - presentations, documents, video, audio, etc.;
provision of statistics and reports for the students’ learning progress (reports).
When you think on the implementation of your e-learning program, you must consider a few things:
range of the training;
selection of the right people to implement the process;
selection of the right learning management system;
technical support.
It is exactly the technical support that has been very often forgotten, but without it any software becomes useless and even dangerous.
You should also consider the benefits of owned or rented LMS. It could be more profitable to rent ‘a ready learning management system’ or ‘ready courses’.
We can help you during every stage of your learning management system implementation - choice, usage, technical support and hosting.
If you have any question, please, do not hesitate to contact us.