For the trust that every client gives us, we pay back with professional and committed work. The development of a website for your business turns into the best opportunity to show the world all you can offer.
Websites, Developed with a Content Management System (CMS)
During the years our company has managed to gain the trust of more than 300 clients, for whom we have developed different kinds of web sites: corporate, institutional, product, promotional, image websites, portals, personal and many more.
For their development we use qualitative, modern and reliable content management systems. These systems offer the users effective storage, management and updating of the website information.
The content management systems that NIT - New Internet Technologies Ltd.uses, are very user friendly – this makes them suitable even for people without coding or similar software experience.
One of the biggest advantages of the content management systems (CMS) is the opportunity to dynamically edit and/or add new data. And as you know, in the current business development conditions, the access to relevant and precise information in real time ensures the competitiveness, that is so needed by all companies.
A Short Overview of the Content Management System Functionalities:
• Custom made menus - according to your preferences and the website logic.
• Quick navigation.
• A personalized logo or banner.
• A search option for the website content, that uses keywords and phrases.
• Uploading, management and formatting of the textual content.
• Uploading and management of multimedia content - images, video and audio files, with an opportunity for gallery creation.
• Option for uploading of different kinds of files - word, excel, pdf, powerpoint and so on.
• A contact form, newsletter subscription.
• Connection with social medias.
• Development of a mobile version of the website - responsive design.
• Multilingual.
• Option to add and/or delete the entered content.
• Adding of keywords, description, paging.
• Easy and convenient to use administrative panel.
• A text editor.
• Option for content previewing before publishing.
• Opportunity to change the paging and the content.
• Keeping a chronology.
• A website map.
• Visualization on the most popular web browsers.
• Forum, LIVE, web based e-mail box.
What do we Offer?
NIT – New Internet Technologies Ltd. offers you:
• Development of a concept and vision of the website according to your wishes and requirements.
• Determining of the structure and the main sections of the website.
• Gathering of the information needed for the start of the website. Specification of the functionalities, design, the domain name (if applicable).
• Development of a unique website design - home page and unlimited number of internal pages.
• Selection of a website design and making adjustments, if necessary.
• Realization of the website design, only after the client’s approval.
• Development of the website functionalities and making adjustemnts, if necessary.
• Content optimization - SEO and registration of the website in search engines with quick access.
• Testing of the website functionalities.
Additional Services:
NIT – New Internet Technologies Ltd. also offers:
• Training for work with the website – the content management system.
• Provision of a domain, hosting and website maintainace .
• Promotional offers for customers using other services of the company.
In order to acquire more complete and realistic picture of our websites, please, click on the following link: http://nit.bg/en/portfolio. There you can look through some of our clients websites, that we have developed during the years.