What services do we offer?
What services does NIT - New Internet Technologies Ltd. offer and how do we realize them?
SEO aims to improve the visibility of a website on the internet. For this purpose, various techniques are used - from keyword…
Advertising on Google is a useful marketing tool because it allows you to reach those internet users who are not only interested…
How to make a personal website? Should you choose one of the free platforms for creating a blog, or should you turn to a…
The best training is the one that is tailored to the learners’ individual needs, interests and abilities. We understand the…
In the modern high tech world, people hardly keep their attention on training, conducted with the help of traditional educational…
We organize and conduct webinars (web-based seminars) and online conferences according to the needs of our customers
Learning management systems (LMS) are an excellent training and learning tool that can be successfully used in organizations…
NIT - New Internet Technologies Ltd. offers to its clients three of the world’s most qualitative learning management systems…
NIT - New Internet Technologies Ltd. has an extensive experience with the processes that take place in the World Wide Web
During the last few years, e-commerce became a leading online business, constantly gaining new clients and investments
NIT - New Internet Technologies Ltd. values its clients and follows the principle of establishing long-term and effective…
In order to meet the growing needs of its customers and to guarantee them a successful business, NIT - New Internet Technologies…
Social media marketing is not the only part of online advertising
Despite the extremely increased influence of the methods of online advertising and social media marketing, more traditional…
We offer you to integrate your museum collection in a web based catalogue system that will organize your museum inside and…
NIT - New Internet Technologies Ltd. offers its clients a software, which functionalities allow its classification as an…
NIT - New Internet Technologies Ltd. has used its long-standing experience in the field of software technologies and developed…
As local authorities, the Bulgarian municipalities and regional governments are responsible for the success of local policies.
Range of the systems technical support, provided by NIT - New Internet Technologies Ltd.